to I/501st PIR. A website dedicated to
the men that served in Item Company 501st PIR from it's creation
to deactivation at the end of the Second World War.
the pages that follow you will find information about the training,
battles, victories of Item Company from it's begining at Camp
Toccoa Georgia in 1942 to deactivation at Ft. Benning Georgia
in August 1945. |
Item Company
501st PIR Reenacted |
We are an Arizona based group of reenactors and amateur historians
that endevor to keep the memory of America's World War II Paratroop
veteran's alive.
Through Living history with public displays, events, and presentations,
we attempt to educate the public in the historical significance
of not only the 101st Airborne but all those who served duringe
the Second World War.
are always looking for new recruits interested in history and
keeping the memories and legacy of our veterans alive. Contact
I/501st for information on joining Item Company.