101st Aiborne - 501st PIR

I/501st Recruiting

50st PIR - 101st Airborne WWII

JOIN Item Company 501ST PIR Reenacted

Congratulations on deciding to persue information on reenacting in general and Item Company 501st PIR specfically.

For use to best help you learn more about the hobby and make sure that this is a hobby for you please email us with the following information:

Fields marked (*) are required

Full Name:*




Phone # :*


MilitaryBackground:* (If none mark N/A)

WWII equipment you might already own:* (If none mark N/A)

What interests you about this hobby and any previous Living History experience you may have:*

This will help us to form an initial impression of you.

We will respond to you with a conformation email, and may also try and contact you by phone. During that conversation we will try and make arrangements to get you out to an event. We will also answer as many questions as you may have about us, the hobby, and anything else you can think of.

Your first event or two we will help outfit you from head to toe. We want to help you make sure that this is a hobby that you wish to pursue. This is an EXPENSIVE hobby and should not be entered into lightly.


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101st Airborne Division Combat Chronicle

I/501st PIR

Paratrooper Training & Equipment

I/501st Re-enacted

Rigger Shack

Ste-Mere-Eglise D-Day Celebration

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